Wednesday, October 23, 2013

working on stuff

So I have been working on some stuff of late. I seem to be going through a phase of army builder attention deficit disorder as I've been jumping from one project to another to another to another. The first major thing I've completed is... well... cleaning.
cleaning up my stock of models
cleaning up my stock of models
One of the big steps I have a bad habit of skipping in my model building process is cleaning up the model itself. As you can see here I've built up a rather sizable stock pile of kits and pieces in my "Going to work with" pile. I know there's a Dark Angel Raven Wing Battle Force, a Space Marine Talker, an imperial guard sentinel, 2 Space Marine Storm Talons, a Grey Knight Dreadknight and a Goblin Arachnorok kit in that deep sink soaking in the warm water. So yeah all of those kits are now washed and should be good to use as my modeling progresses.

large size base for Grey Knight Dreadknight
large size base for Grey Knight Dreadknight
During one of the breaks in the Apoc game, I hosted a couple weeks ago, I picked up a Grey Knight Dreadknight kit because it looks like it'll be an interesting kit to build and paint, but I wanted to make it stand out so I built up the base. Using 2 layers of cork and some large piping I built up a thick and large base for some added scenic value to the model.

Blood Ravens Centurion Devastator
Blood Ravens Centurion Devastator
I used a similar approach to the base of my first Centurion. If you want to see my thoughts on the model itself you can check out my review over on Bolter and I opted to leave the massive sholder pads off and am rather happy with this this look. Something akin to a 40k version of Iron Monger from IronMan.

the Tyranids arise
the Tyranids arise
Game Vault, the closest thing I have to a local gaming store, is running a 40k Slow Grow and paint program for those of us who were looking to start a new army. Short version of it is you sign up for it, and you get a discount on a battalion box set, and meet the painting deadlines up through March and they hand you a GW army case. Nice deal huh?

And what army do I pick? Nids! I already got a Batallion box, and big props to Cathy the owner of Game Vault for running this program. The Tyranid batallion box is $125 normally, but I got mine for $100 flat. You rock Cathy!

So I've got the Gaunts, and Warriors built and primed. Still need to build the GeneStealers and Rippers built. I'm gonna get another box of Warriors so I can build a Tyranid Prime for my first HQ. Down the line I might do a Tervigon as well. Definitely going to add a Trygon/Mawlock. Will be using the Cork basing technique to create a 'upturned ground' effect for it.


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